Education Solutions

Educational institutions face unique technological challenges that need thoughtful and specific implementation of IT solutions. Your institution must leverage technology to run its administration more efficiently and use EdTech to educate your students more effectively. OpenWise understands the needs of educational institutions. Since education is an integral part of our mission, we have a deeper appreciation of what is required to use IT in an educational environment. We’ll work to develop solutions that are specifically tailored to your institution’s requirements, enabling a more effective and efficient achievement of your educational mission.  We don’t offer generalized or generic prescriptions to your IT challenges; every solution we build is created with intensive collaborative consultation with our clients.  Some of the education-specific system designs we can build solutions around include:

Learning Management Systems (LMS) 

An LMS supports your institution with systematic management of administration, documentation, tracking, reporting, and delivery of e-learning courses. A robust LMS solution will allow you to centralize and automate administration, use self-service and self-guided services, rapidly assemble and deliver content, consolidate training initiatives on a scalable web-based platform, support portability and standards, personalize content, and enable knowledge reuse. OpenWise can help your organization take full advantage of the power of an LMS with design, customization, and implementation services.

Virtual Learning Platform (VLP)

VLP goes by many names; historically known as Course Management Systems (CMS), some vendors and users call these systems Virtual Learning Environments (VLE) or Managed Learning Environments (MLE).  Regardless of the name, the goal is to provide IT teaching and learning tools to enhance a student’s learning experience. Common VLP features include content management, curriculum mapping and planning, student engagement and administration, and communication/collaboration tools. Educational institutions benefit from VLP with reduced costs, easy instructor online web authoring tools, student flexibility in how they consume the curriculum, and the enablement of easy reuse of common content among different courses. OpenWise provides VLP design, customization, and implementation services tailored to the needs of your institution.

Student Information Systems (SIS)

Navigating the complexities of student administration requires a sophisticated and intuitive Student Information System (SIS). These systems are crucial for managing student data, academic records, and administrative processes efficiently. An effective SIS integrates various educational and administrative functions, providing real-time access to student information, facilitating communication between faculty and students, and streamlining enrollment, grading, and scheduling operations. OpenWise specializes in developing and implementing customized SIS solutions that align with your educational goals, ensuring seamless integration with other campus technologies. Our approach emphasizes security, user-friendliness, and scalability, enabling educational institutions to manage their student affairs more easily and precisely.

Interactive Classroom Technologies

In the era of digital learning, interactive classroom technologies are transforming the educational experience. These technologies include smartboards, student response systems, and immersive learning environments that engage students and enhance their learning outcomes. OpenWise leverages the latest interactive technology to create dynamic and collaborative learning spaces that foster creativity, problem-solving, and critical thinking. Our team works closely with educational institutions to integrate these technologies into their teaching methodologies, providing training and support to ensure educators and students maximize their potential. With a focus on innovative and accessible solutions, we help schools and universities advance their educational mission in the digital age.

Educational Analytics and Reporting

The power of data analytics in education cannot be overstated. With the right tools, institutions can analyze educational data to improve teaching strategies, student performance, and operational efficiency. OpenWise offers analytics and reporting solutions that provide deep insights into the educational process, from student achievement and teacher performance to resource allocation and administrative effectiveness. Our data-driven approach enables institutions to make informed decisions, personalize learning experiences, and achieve superior educational outcomes. By harnessing the capabilities of educational analytics, OpenWise empowers schools and universities to navigate the complexities of modern education with confidence and strategic foresight.

Cloud Computing Solutions for Education

Cloud computing has become a cornerstone of modern educational IT infrastructure, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. OpenWise provides cloud computing solutions tailored to the needs of educational institutions, facilitating seamless access to educational resources, collaboration tools, and administrative applications from anywhere, at any time. Our cloud services support various educational activities, from virtual classrooms and online course delivery to data storage and backup, ensuring the highest levels of data security and compliance. With our expertise in cloud technologies, we help educational institutions embrace digital transformation, enhancing their capacity to deliver quality education in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Open Standards & Open Source

OpenWise’s commitment to open standards and open-source software extends into every facet of our educational technology solutions. By integrating systems like Student Information Systems (SIS), interactive classroom technologies, educational analytics, and cloud computing solutions, we emphasize the importance of open-source platforms for their adaptability, community support, and cost-effectiveness. Leveraging open-source tools such as Moodle, Alfresco, and others, we ensure that educational institutions benefit from the latest technological advancements without being locked into proprietary systems. This approach reduces the total cost of ownership and enhances interoperability between different educational technologies, enabling seamless data exchange and integration. Our dedication to open standards guarantees that our solutions are future-proof and aligned with the global educational community’s evolving needs, ensuring that your institution remains at the forefront of educational innovation and excellence.