When we chose a name for our social enterprise we wanted something that clearly embodied our dual mission. The first part of our name is fairly straightforward; however, the second is more subtle. The partners at OpenWise have over 35 years of combined experience creating solutions in the areas of hosting services, storage architecture, database architecture, and systems architecture utilizing Open Source Software (OSS) systems and applications. It is that extensive knowledge and expertise that we bring to bear when developing exceptional solutions for our clients' organizations. In addition, we are also committed to doing our part to open the accessibility of STEM education to marginalized kids. We seek to achieve this goal by leveraging the open-source philosophy and the open-source technology that have made our careers possible. In short, we are OpenWise, and we seek to Open Wisdom.
Why Open Source & Open Standards
We provide subject matter expertise on open source technology which has its own value proposition including; free available code for modification, a diverse group of people working on the code, constant improvements, security, control (no lock-in) & full data ownership, greater interoperability, and generally lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO).
- Code - Freedom of modification means that the code can be modified if necessary for specific cases.
- Diversity - Diversity of development means that it’s more likely that very specialized cases may have been addressed by someone in the community.
- Improvements - Improvements come from the vastness of the community around a particular project. This means that fixes and improvements often come faster than proprietary solutions which are limited to the developers employed by a particular vendor.
- Security - The security through obscurity that many proprietary vendors supply is no security at all; no technology can be 100% secure. However, the value that open source provides is the myriad eyes looking at software to find and fix bugs (security related or otherwise) quickly.
- Control - Control provides clients certainty which is a very valuable thing to any organization. Depending on vendors is always a risk; they can go bankrupt, be bought or raise prices. Also, in a world of web services, often vendors decide to discontinue a functionality they deem inconsequential which could be crucial to the operation of your organization.
- Standards - Open Source software is created using open standards. Therefore, integration of systems based on open source technology is cheaper and easier than integrating proprietary systems.
- Cost & Return - There have been many studies over the years that show that the total cost of ownership is lower and the return on investment is higher with OpenSource Technology
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